Euro Truck Simulator 2 Cheats
When it comes to Euro Truck Simulator 2, it’s important to keep in mind that the game strives for realism. There are a lot of realistic elements and mechanics which make the game feel truly alive. But sometimes, they can get too tedious.
That’s why Euro Truck Simulator 2 cheats exist. This helps make the game feel much less realistic and much more like a chaotic video game instead. If you want to learn how to use ETS2 cheats, continue reading to find out the most important details.
What do Euro Truck Simulator 2 Cheats do?
Euro Truck Simulator 2 cheats don’t work how cheats in some other games do. That’s because these aren’t cheats at all, and are rather just a way to change the data inside of the system to suit your needs. This lets you alter many different values, changing the character’s data accordingly. By using these ETS2 cheats, you can get yourself a lot of money, get rid of the police, refuel your truck for free, teleport, and do much more of the sort!
Learning How to Use Euro Truck Simulator 2 Cheats
For those that don’t know how to use Euro Truck Simulator 2 cheats, the process is really simple. All that you need to do is press the “~” key that should be on your keyboard. Once you do so, the console command will open up and allow you to enter anything you like.
Enter specific commands and the bonuses you want will be provided to you. More information on specific entries and what they do can be found on the game’s wiki page. Keep in mind that these only work in single-player, as the console command doesn’t work like that in multiplayer mode.
Move into your document (C:\ Users \ username \ Documents) and open the folder with the name of the game. In this directory is a document config.cfg. For example, the open using Notepad and edit the following entry:
g_console “0” on g_console “1”
While playing the game, press ~ tilde (which is located under the Escape key (ESC).) to display the console window.
Note: You may first need to change your keyboard layout to “US” to use this function. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Cheat Codes
- g_police 0 – Off police
- g_police 1 – On police
- g_traffic 0 – Off traffic
- g_traffic 1 – On traffic
- g_set_time xx – If xx=03 then 23+3=tomorrow 02
- g_set_time – Time change
- g_fps – Displays framerate
- g_flyspeed – Free movement speed of the camera
- edit – Enters the map editor
- exec – Executes commands in files
- exit – Exit console / game
- game – Reloads the game
- pause – Pauses the game
- save – Make a quick savegame
- screenshot – Takes a, well screenshot
- r_vsync – Enables/disables VSync
- s_master_volume – Enables/disables VSync
- r_fullscreen – Enables/disables fullscreen