1 mod 2 FERRY them all v1.49.2

ETS2 Mods |

1 mod 2 FERRY them all v1.49.2

29.02.2024. new in 1.49.2:
* full and copmplete Africa, Asia and Russia connections
* Belt of Tundra disconnected from Helsinki
* Belt of Tundra corrected, optimized and connected to ROS and RTA
* redefined, corrected ferries for Russian Open Spaces (ROS)
* TransSiberian railroad optimized and connected
* West Africa map optimized and connected
* Heart of Africa corrected, optimized and connected
* Road into Wilderness corrected, optimized and connected
* Road into wilderness connected with West Africa, JRR and SEA
* South East Asia fully optimized and connected to RTA, JRR and Russia
* Road to Africa optimized and connected to Capetown, JRR, SEA and ROEX
* Tripoli connected to Istanbul, Napoli, Durres, Palermo and Annaba
* Euroafrica corrected and synchronised with other lines
* compatible with ALL map combos; promods, non-promods, WB merge…
* if in any case that’s not the case, let me know 🙂

09.02.2024. new in 1.49.1:
* EAA connected via Roscoff
* Roscoff connected to Dover

08.02.2024. new in 1.49.0 :
* EAA connected via Plymouth and Santander

05.02.2024. new in 1.48.2 :
* Belt of Tundra disconnected from Gdansk and Helsinki
* Belt of Tundra connected to RTA, ROS and Off the Grid map

21.11.2023. new in 1.48.1 :
* minor corrections in UK ports
* adapted for UK Rebuild map

22.10.2023. new in 1.48.0 :
* adapted for West Balkans DLC

02.07.2023. new in 1.47.0 :
* ferry support for Altai map via Sibir and Wuqia
* Sibir – Calais connection removed

19.02.2023. new in 1.46.7 :
* redefined ferry support for West Africa (all versions should work)
* minor corrections between Formachevo and RTA China
* Caspian and Black sea corrections and extended support

10.02.2023. new in 1.46.6 :
* added correct support for Maldives, Balearic islands and Ibiza
* minor corrections and extended support in Mediterranean sea

05.02.2023. new in 1.46.5 :
* redifined, corrected ferries and added extra support for Roads of Chunghwa (R.O.C.)
* not showing Pula, Zadar, Ancona ports in specific map combos; fixed by Mich

04.02.2023. new in 1.46.4 :
* minor corrections and extended support in Mediterranean sea

03.02.2023. new in 1.46.3 :
* added support for Greenland Expanded
* minor corrections in Adriatic sea

02.02.2023. new in 1.46.2 :
* added ferry support for Southeast Asia map ver0.2.1.1(Fix)
* corrected JRR ferry Merak – Calais

31.01.2023. new in 1.46.1 :
* added ferry support for all the maps available on 01 february 2023.
* Tallin – Kirov – Barnaul connection for Altay map (it is what it is)
* All ferries revised and synchronised for ALL compatible maps in game
* Worldwide all the seas and oceans 360 globe = 100 % coverage completed

Ferry mod that combines and connects ALL available maps giving better
compatibility overall in map combinations and job selections.
Redifined, synchronised, cleaned ferries with no wrong trip durations

* load above every map and give highest priority to work
* Compatible with all available maps and always will be
* The only ferry mod you’ll ever need

ETS 2 and ATS world map combo LOAD ORDER by

Credits: Xes Xand
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To stay relevant in this competitive market and to constantly engage with the gaming community you have to keep on pumping new more exciting content. Thus we have a new mod updated or uploaded to our site every month. But, fellow gamers should rest easy because although the rate with which we release new content is considered relatively fast, it doesn't mean we are sacrificing quality for quantity. Every 1 mod 2 FERRY them all v1.49.2 ETS2 Mod we have uploaded still to this day are the best in the game. Thus the content we pump out is fresh and worth your investment. Gamers who are looking for new Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mods can expect mods that can enhance the game's graphics and textures. This Euro truck simulator 2 1 mod 2 FERRY them all v1.49.2 Mod will also be able to color grade the whole game to give it a cinematic look. Other Euro truck simulator 2 Mods being developed include a mod similar to the living city mod. This mod will provide you with extra side missions to complete, a few exclusive skins and outfits, a couple of new high damaging guns, and many more. The mod, when toggled on, can make you immune to all sorts of damage and you will also have an infinite amount of bullets and extreme accuracy to one-shot your enemies. The 1 mod 2 FERRY them all v1.49.2 ETS2 mod will also allow your character to number of things. There are still may other mods some of them are little tweaks like a camera changer while others introduce a whole new story mode into your game.

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