Sound Fixes Pack v24.11 for 1.50

ETS2 Mods |

Sound Fixes Pack v24.11 for 1.50

Compatibility updates for the ATS 1.50 experimental beta. [ATS edition] Compatibility update for the ETS2 1.50 experimental beta. [ETS2 edition] Rework of trailer tire sound for all terrains, resulting in an improved flyby and rolling sound on asphalt roads.
Added subtle asphalt tire crunch sound for trailers at slow speeds for when the player camera is close to the trailer wheels.
New door close sound in use for the sound sequence after refueling. Many thanks to Max2712 for a MAN TGX door close sound sample.
Minor file size optimizations.
Replaced default interior window click sound with one from a Mercedes Actros MP4, courtesy of Max2712.
Replaced 3 air brake sound effects for the 2016 Scania R500 + S500 sound set in AI traffic, courtesy of Max2712. [ETS2 edition]

Multiple improvements to the reefer trailer sound:
– Reefer sound will take up more area of the trailer now, with a better 3D sound position in the trailer.
– The trailer sound slider will now control all aspects of the reefer sound in the Audio Settings.
– Open window noise being enabled in the Audio Settings is no longer mandatory for the reefer sound loop to work.
– Better disposal handling of the sound event.

Updated the detailed recommended audio settings information.

This mod has been bringing more immersion to common sounds in the game for over 8 years!
It packs a lot of sound content within one mod, making it great value within the 100 mod limit in Convoy multiplayer.

* ETS2 1.50.0 + ATS 1.50.0. No errors in game log. Must have high priority in Mod Manager.
* Does not replace individual player truck sounds, so this mod can be used with an unlimited amount of truck sound mods of your choice.
* Compatible with all maps and all trucks, including truck mods.
* Supported in single-player and multiplayer Convoy mode, and is marked as an optional mod in Convoy.
* If hosting a Convoy dedicated server with this mod, it is recommended to turn on “mods_optioning” to prevent mod version restrictions.

Requires higher priority in Mod Manager than:
– any map mods (e.g. ProMods)
– any AI traffic mods (e.g. traffic packs and traffic pack add-ons)
– any rain sound mods (unless proven to be compatible)

The mod features meticulously crafted sounds, covering the following:
– An extensive variety of suspension and truck and trailer tire bump sounds.
– Fuel / filling station sounds.
– Door close and seatbelt sounds after refueling.
– Train sound enhancements, including authentic sounds for several locomotives and railroad cars.
– Country/state specific railroad crossing bell sounds.
– The most complete tire sound package, including tire noise for all terrains: asphalt, gravel, grass, snow, and sleeper lines.
– Wet tire sound for the player’s truck tires when the asphalt roads are wet.
– Reworked tire screech sound effects.
– Working sounds for the Musical Road in American Truck Simulator’s Historic Route 66.
– Nokia phone ringtone sound replacing the hurry up / late music, leading to less stress for the player.
– Default common sound reworks, such as improved default air brake sounds and a softer default reverse beep.
– AI traffic vehicle sound improvements, with engine and horn sounds uniquely set for specific vehicles.
– English AU/UK/US voice navigation variants with speaker effect added and uncustomary phrases removed.
– Wind buffeting and rush of air sounds at high speeds only when the window is open.
– Additional environmental and ambient sounds, and tasteful changes to existing ambient sounds in the game world.
– Trailer coupling and trailer brace rotation sounds.
– Four standalone air horns.
– Dynamic rain sounds, and an assortment of different thunder sounds with delay.
– The default wiper sound may now squeak only when the windshield is dry.
– Default gear grinding sound effect additions and improvements.
– Stronger reverb effects when under bridges and overpasses.
– (Optional) Reefer / refrigerated trailer sound functionality.
– (Optional – ATS only) Cop scouting reports via CB radio (enable in voice navigation options).
– Fixes for World Ambient sound glitches from the vanilla game.

For further immersion, the mod may also include official paint colors and more authentic specifications for each AI traffic vehicle it modifies for sound. Rarer paint colors are less likely to be seen.

Credits: * SCS Software for base sounds and for creating games open to modding * Drive Safely for sound mixing and editing, some sound samples, and for compiling the mod * antonvezdehod and Katixa for some high speed tire sounds * Darkcaptain for a variety of rain sound samples * Frontiersman for some additional CB radio voice lines * Grinch for the Euro Truck Simulator 2 fallback railroad crossing bell sound * Kriechbaum for blinker off stick sound and several Renault T and Mack E6 sound samples * Max2712 for several sound samples from multiple trucks from Scania, Mercedes, and MAN * Trayscapes for recordings of a Mack E6 truck * Vasily (Engine Voice Records) for some air brake sound samples * Zeemod for a wind sound sample
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To stay relevant in this competitive market and to constantly engage with the gaming community you have to keep on pumping new more exciting content. Thus we have a new mod updated or uploaded to our site every month. But, fellow gamers should rest easy because although the rate with which we release new content is considered relatively fast, it doesn't mean we are sacrificing quality for quantity. Every Sound Fixes Pack v24.11 for 1.50 ETS2 Mod we have uploaded still to this day are the best in the game. Thus the content we pump out is fresh and worth your investment. Gamers who are looking for new Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mods can expect mods that can enhance the game's graphics and textures. This Euro truck simulator 2 Sound Fixes Pack v24.11 for 1.50 Mod will also be able to color grade the whole game to give it a cinematic look. Other Euro truck simulator 2 Mods being developed include a mod similar to the living city mod. This mod will provide you with extra side missions to complete, a few exclusive skins and outfits, a couple of new high damaging guns, and many more. The mod, when toggled on, can make you immune to all sorts of damage and you will also have an infinite amount of bullets and extreme accuracy to one-shot your enemies. The Sound Fixes Pack v24.11 for 1.50 ETS2 mod will also allow your character to number of things. There are still may other mods some of them are little tweaks like a camera changer while others introduce a whole new story mode into your game.

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